
ServiceSpace.org 's Recent Interview

Nipun Mehta & ServiceSpace.org 

ServiceSpace.org (formerly Charity Focus) recent inspiring interview with James O'Dea. *Audio, Notes and content below thanks to Nipun Mehta and ServiceSpace.org.

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Read the Earth Charter that James references in this dialogueWe'll share some audio clips and a detailed blog entry shortly, but in the interim, the full audio recording of the (*http://cf2.org/music/forestcalls/2012_jan_james.mp3) call is online as well.  


"Such an incredibly inspiring call. I am kicking myself wondering how I didn't hear about James before, how I didn't track him down before, and how we can shine a greater spotlight on the work he is doing and more importantly the lessons learned from the journey he has had so far. As one of our callers Michele said, on behalf of humanity, thank you James for all that you are doing.

You gave us an incredible definition of service being not any form of obligation (not morally obliged to do so) but rather truly releases ourselves into the field of action, the latent field of love and service that just wants to be released, it wants to be expressed through each of us and our qualities.

It was really nice to hear you not just talk about the bright points but also the the lowest point in your journey and how you were able to find hope by a simple act of a man serving you coffee in the midst of literal chaos of bombs, disease and death where you had the epiphany of the indominatable spirit of the human being that can't be bombed or mutilated away.

I am deeply moved by the work you do bringing together two seemingly opposing forces and helping them build a bridge of healing between their hearts which is powerful because their crushed hearts must arise from the ashes. You must be truly listening - and your body gives the signals chemically and it can be felt by others.

I loved how you said that for healing, our obstacles become our teacher and where you turn there is the face of your teacher. Translating that to looking at my truth vs. your truth vs. ideological truth. The importance of not Denying someones personal truth and truly honoring and respecting that.

You taught us about forgiveness. Nipun asked how can we hold a heart of forgiveness? How can we create such a culture around this? Because you are right, we do go out there saying we have to do this and that differently -- if you do this, then things will be better, we seem to have the answers for everyone else. Your response was beautiful and so simple yet so difficult which shows the strength of its truth. and that is...if you want to change anything, then you must change - how about that?  That is what is so radically different about forgiveness work. we must change than when we do the whole thing changes in relationship to us.

I will leave the rest of the recap to one of our (http://www.servicespace.org/my/profile.php?mid=26220) farmers of the forest who will be doing a beautiful write-up which will be posted on the ServiceSpace blog in a few days. I would like to close in gratitude for the beautiful gift of this call and the prolific insights and wisdom shared by James, and to seed that gratitude I wanted to draw upon a quote James mentioned earlier, "Dear friend, your heart is a polished mirror. You must wipe it clean of the veil of dust that has gathered upon it, because it is destined to reflect the light of divine secrets."  And so James, a deep and sincere thank you from all of us on this call for polishing your mirror and inspiring us to do the same."

--www.servicespace.org & nipun mehta(


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